A Lesbian Online Fruit Machine

"If u don't play - you can't win" - a slick quote from sapphic movie classic: Desert Hearts when fab director Donna Deitch cameos by a ... one armed bandit / fruit machine!

Coraggio! - Take A Chance To Meet Your Match!

DO IT Groover! Click on a number & watch it spin ;)

YOU'VE got = .... stars

How To Play This Queer Online Fruit Machine

  1. Start-off Credit: Groover, you're getting a wee headstart ...
    • 500 star credits - to start, as you sapphically ROCK ;)
  2. Bets On!:
    • Click on one of the "chancing it" numbers
    • 500 (you're flash!), 50 (you got some dash), 5 (you're way too shy (I'm feeling you!))
  3. Scoring:
    • Oops & Sorry - you work out how the scoring. I was just over-the-moon to get it irresistibly spinning :)
  4. Joker: of course it's Sappho Lesbian Online Games: lesbian fruit machine free play whose rooting for you and, earning you ...
    • 10 extra stars B.U.T, according to your matches
    • Lucky [X] Sappho matches = hmm? (I'm a javascript pirate - still trying to work it out BUT at least the lezzar fruit machine does spin and, calculates ... something :)
  5. 4i4s Up & Skint? There's always a light after the dark!
  6. New Game: > Refresh the page via your browser.

Canada's Gay Fruit Machine

WTF! I have just shockingly discovered that there was a REAL "fruit machine" homosexuality TEST! I'll keep my lesbian fruit machine up, as, leftfield, it can bring to light The Canadian's Public Service 'Special Project' (A Gay Purge!).

The "Fruit Machine" Homosexuality Test
At the beginning of the Cold War (an era of political rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union), in 1947, there was heightened concern about internal security in the US. Consequently, the US State Department began a campaign to rid the department of ...

"disloyal" / "security risk" persons. "Disloyal" persons included communists, their associates, and those guilty of espionage, along with persons known for "habitual drunkenness, sexual perversion (homosexuality), moral turpitude, financial irresponsibility or criminal record". The US government was scared that LGBT federal employees were susceptible to blackmail by Soviet spies!

In circa 1960, Dr. Frank Wake, a psychology professor with Carleton University (Canada), was commissioned by the Canadian government on a 'Special Project': to develop a psychological test to detect homosexuals (LGBTQ). From circa 1960 -1964, this "gay" test was used by the Canadian government to detect LGBTQ employees working in Public Service (i.e. the Civil Service, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF)) and to pre-screen LGBT people and prevent them from obtaining Public Service jobs. This "Gay Test" became known as "the fruit machine" - apparently coined by a Royal Canadian Mounted Police sergeant. In addition to the "the fruit machine" (gay test), LGB members of the Canadian military were subjected to systematic discrimination, harassement and often fired as a matter of policy and sanctioned practice.

The Fruit Machine Test
At first people were unjustly led to believe that the machine's purpose was to rate work stress. Apparently participants were asked to sit in a dentist-like chair which had a pulley with a camera focussed at the participants pupils. A black box located in front the chair displayed a series of photographs ranging from the unusual to sexually explicit photos of men and women. A monitor would measure "the pupillary response" to each image. In the theory, a person's pupils will involuntary dilate in relation to the amount of interest they have regarding a visual stimuli.

The Canadian "Gay Test" Was Totally Flawed
Hindsight is 20/20! It is now accepted that this "gay test" measuring "pupillary responses" was totally flawed. The researchers had not considered, for example:

--- No eye is the same - participants' pupils would have varied in size and the distance between their eyes would be different.

--- Measuring tiny dilations - sometimes the dilation of the pupils was so small (less than a millimetre) that the variation was too difficult to measure.

--- Light variations in the series of photographs - light variations between the next photograph caused the participants' pupils to naturally change, independently to their "interest" in the photograph.

--- Angled camera - as the camera recording the participant's eyes could not be located directly in front of the participant, as it would have blocked the viewing of the series of photos, the camera was mounted at angle which would distort dilation measurements.

--- The Kinsey Scale - it didn't take in to consideration The Kinsey Scale (1948), which showed that people did not fit into exclusive heterosexual or homosexual categories and thus devised a 6 point scale. Moreover, their research showed that sexual behaviour, thoughts, and feelings towards the same or opposite sex were not always consistent across time.

Aftermath of Canada's Gay Fruit Machine
Canada's "Special Project" and the Canadian Public Service "gay purge" was not eliminated until the early 1990s and led to an estimated 9,000 LGBT Canadians working in Public Service being fired or having to resign. Moreover, it led to "Poverty, homelessness, having to go back in the closet, substance abuse, gay aversion therapy, sexual assaults, and for some — suicide." Source: cbc.ca.

--- 2016 - survivors of the LGBT Purge launched a nation-wide class action lawsuit against the Canadian government represented by three plaintiffs: Todd Ross, Martine Roy and Alida Satalic.

--- 2017 - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivered an official apology in the Canadian House of Commons to those caught in the 1950 to 1992 "gay purge". He apologised to LGBTQ+ men and women of the Canadian military and civil service who were fired from their jobs and had their lives ruined because of their sexual orientation.

--- June 2018 - a historic settlement was reached that included a global settlement amount of $145 million of which, up to $110 million was set aside for the payment of damages to LGBT Purge victims. Check out lgbtpurgefund.com

"The Fruit Machine" Documentary
Check out the extraordinary LGBTQ+ documentaries "The Fruit Machine" (2018, Canada) by Sarah Fodey and "The Lavender Scare" (2019, US) by Josh Howard

Lesbian Online Games: lesbian fruit machine free play

My Lesbian Fruit Machine / One Armed Bandit
Groovers, I don't support nor encourage financial betting - this is just a goofy slick free play javascript one armed bandit game to encourage you to take a chance on ... L.O.V.E (as inspired by a scene in sapphic movie classic Desert Hearts). This lezzar fruit machine's "fruits" reflect some symbols associated with lesbianism in the past e.g. in the uK, ragged rascals ran around their rugged playground shouting at some girls bizarrely, "You're a Lemon!" a euphemism for "Lesbian"! Discover more past secret lesbian signals.

FYI: I ... despise dungarees and, dogs rock over cats :)

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