Who am I?
1. Yes - I am indeed a, "GIRL" friend of Dorothy :) I'm hugely grateful that I grew up in the time of the "Do it yourself" punk and Indie music ethos, and identify as ... Queer (and Gay - as a nod to slick Cole Porter lyrics).
2. I created the site in the hope that it might, genuinely, INSPIRE people across the world and perhaps, help groovers who were understandably anxious regarding coming out. (Mine wasn't ace - but I do empathise with my slick old-skool, ADORABLE Mummy (respect, she needed a wee bit of time to get-her-head-around my late-night tipsey confession (when I came home after a club night-out, she LOVED coming down, in her night slip, with my Dackles (who need to go out to the garden for pee pee)). Duh ME - I'm not a Dragon's Den entrepreneur. Plus, I hate completely random and irrelevant / targeted (tracking your browsing history) shitey ads on websites. Thus, I make NO Bucks (money) from this site. The site is a true labour of L.O.V.E from which I gain no funding nor Veuve Clicquot, GODIVA Chocolate ... treats :).
3. I am, indeed, a ... Three O, SEO (Search Engine Optimiser + old-skool HTML developer):) I have passionately, worked on this site often until 3 am (KLF Eternal song / "Three O" = Three o'clock) in the morning, so, please forgive my typos & spelling mistakes (I am now proof-reading!). Moreover, please forgive that I'm not wordsmith queen - I'm an ex-paleontologist (PhD) but I have a sharp eye for images and crops.
This site was created in a lonely time of lockdown, to cheerlead other lonely sapphic souls, across the world. This site is painstakingly HAND coded and, not WordPress = speedy Gonzales page downloads but ... UBER painstaking to update! Hurrah, though it hits my audience it could have so much more traffic, BUT, I have assertively choosen not to advertise this site via social media - why? see below.
This Website's Goal = LESBIAN: RESPECT, PRIDE & LOVE.
This site is a labour of love that I created (and hand-coded in HTML, researched, and wrote) during UK COVID Furloughs. Hands-up: I was really lonely during COVID. This site was created for lesbians and bi women across the WORLD who may feel sometimes the blues / loneliness, and are still experiencing homophobia, AND to demonstrate to them and HETTIES (straights) that throughout history, lesbians and bi's have importantly contributed to HUMANITY (e.g. medical care, the arts, sciences ...).
"The tragedy of life is often not in our failure, but rather in our complacency" Benjamin Mays
We should never forget the women who fought in the past for lesbian and women's rights. Alas, the struggle continues. Let's work TOGETHER, to help & nurture each other.
This site will grow and evolve - please do come back.
Though I have mentioned this on other pages, do please forgive me, for genuine:
Ps Private Web Searching Suggestions - see using a VPN - Virtual Private Network
A face to the webmistress? Me ;) Though I'm a brainstormer, do-er & cheerleader, I've always shied away from any limelight & social media selfies. Everyone, has their own right to their privacy / OUTness. During this research, I read a poignant quote:
"I'm out," she once told me. "But I am not out and about it."
Even though, in some fortunate countries homosexuality is no longer illegal - forgive me I'm, still guarded to who I'm OUT to as, even in "swinging London" and these sometimes more liberal uK times - homophobia still exists in the uK. Moreover, even if I was hetty (straight), I would still not be a social media nor selfie queen.
To those that have linked to my site, I give you the HHHHHHHHUGEST ever hug of thanks to YOU ❤ ❤ ❤ I have consciously avoided promoting my site via social media because I'm not a screen girl but also, there is so much vitriol + false news commenting on social media.
This site has been created independently by a girl friend of Dorothy, with more dash than cash, who genuinely and heartfeltly wanted to collate in one place, an homage to historical slick lesbians who have made their fab mark in history and society and, helped lesbian visibility and lesbian (and women's) rights. I aint profiting from it, indeed I have not gained any income from it, but I do get the HUGEST kick out of the web traffic it's acquiring across the globe, particularly where awful homophobia is still strife :(
I'm flabbergasted - by some google searches e.g. "lesbian movies" = in the top ten Google results I was shocked to see that STRAIGHT magazines like Harper's BAZAAR, Teen Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Elle Magazine, Good HouseKeeping pages coming up in the first page - for sure honing into the clickbait pink dollars! For such a search, as a lezza, I would be seeking posts from e.g gay websites, the IMBd/BFI, reputable newspapers like the Guardian ... Would you for example consult Harper's BAZAAR to discover new ... lesbian movies? Moreover, discovering new (recent) web pages in rankings skimming of some of the ladies mentioned herein.
Working as an SEO, I appreciate the demand on producing Clickbait posts but I always tried to think of a new angle for my content writers to create unique and cool content. Content writers who have come across this site - don't be lame and use this site to regurgitate my pages in vanilla buzzfeed style posts > do your own research across the web and make your own fab mark regarding lesbanism and discovering new heroines.
If you do use any of my pages' content as a clickbait-post seed / source - please, have the courtesy to link to me.
A slam dunk twist of fate - I got into web coding via returning (my questionable decision) from Milano to Edinburgh and heard through my ex-boyfriend's STELLAR sister he got into the "web". I'm in debated to coolest Claire rocks for this. This was a complete zero career start for me but I digged it so much > learnt HTML hand-coding coding > through work got into SEO and then social media in their glorious and INNOCENT emerging internet years (which felt like punk times!) e.g. MySpace. If you have grown up with internet and mobile phones (and ... computers), can you imagine how it was before:
Sadly, over time, I have witnessed how SOME social media commenting has changed and haver become increasingly ... NASTY, VILE, TOXIC and has also spread false news, yet no social media company is stopping this. Social media Nasty Commentators & False News are getting away with their nasty publications because social media company owner's are willingly irresponsible, because it will affect their profits: slyly defending themselves that they are being "champions of Freedom Of Speech". Worse still, social media companies consider themselves as "platforms" and not "publishers". What is the difference between being a "platform" and "publisher". It hugely does matter regarding content and law.
It will be interesting to see if USA does indeed implement it's looming ban on TikTok, in Jan 2025 - which seems a high level international polictal concern. Groovers, I'm not advocating a boycott on social mediaMORAL awareness.
If you (I hope not) receive any hate comments / hate false news - LOG IT, expose (to every one) and complain to the social media provider and publicise it.
Holy Moly, way too many slick tunes to choose from, for my sign-off. Though I'm a V COOL Indie Kid, yet wanting to sing & dance in my living room to Taylor Swift Shake It Off (R.E.M.I.X)... I'm signing off to, the cracking tune ...