Margarete Johanna Erna Völchner

Margarete Völchner   |   Margarete Baingo   |   Margarete Christ   |   Parents   |   Ancestors

Margarete Johanna Erna Völchner - my GrandMother

Born: 1903, 22 October, Hamburg, Germany


  • Mother: Auguste Ida Mariane Marie Völchner: 1880, 24 Sept, Tessin, Germany - 1954, 19 March, Hamburg, Germany ?
  • Father: ?
  • Adopted Father: Erwin Haase: 1884, 28 Jan, Stettin, Prussia - Post 1955, Eimsbüttel, Hamburg

Half Siblings: ? (this is not about paternity issues - this is a celebration of a stellar lady)

Occupation: Charcuterie sales > HausFrau (she suffered badly from arthritis)



  • Uschi Baingo
  • Michael Thomas Christ (1945, Feb - 1945, July) - Mummy was devestated and I would have loved an Unkle
  • Monika Christ

Died: 1977, 10 April, Eimsbüttel, Hamburg, Germany

NB: My Mummy so loved her Mummy and of course called her Mutti. As I grew up with English as my Mother tongue, though born in Iserlohn, Germany and spending my first 6/7 years in Germany - oops, I called / call my fab grandmother Mutti (much do the bafflement of many!)


Piecing Together Margarete Völchner's Life

Oops, I may have got dates wrong.

  • 1903, 22 October - Gretal (her nickname) Völchner was born.
    She was born at Schulweg 38, Eimsbüttel, Hamburg at 5 am - note towards the end of her life she lived and died in the same hood, at 27 Wiesenstraße, Hamburg. Mutti was delivered by the midwife Wilhelmine Ahrens nee Dohm, who lived in Oelkersallee 30, Altona, Hamburg. On her birth certificate, Gretal's mother (Augusta Ida Marianne Völchner) is noted as being unmarried, a seamstress and Lutheran (surprise to me!). Wilhelmine Ahrens born Dohm? Wilhelmine Ahrens could be a relation as her mother's, Augusta Ida Marianne Völchner, father (Johann Philipp Friedrich Völchner) 2nd marriage was to Augusta Maria Joanna Ahrens, when Gretal's grandmother (Caroline Sophie Dorothea Völchner nee Dreier) sadly died in 1887 :(
  • 1903 > Gretal Völchner was raised in Hamburg.
    Apparently Mutti stayed for a while with her aunt (Clara or Martha Völchner), while her Mother (Auguste Völchner) went back to work until her Mother met Erwin Hasse who she married in 1912, in Hamburg.
    1914 to 1918 - WII, Hamburg: because of the British sea blockade, which only came to an end in the middle of 1919, Hamburg's crucial port, was brought almost completely to a standstill.
  • Circa 1921 - Mutti worked as a Charcuterie sales assistant at Ernst Becker Fleischwaren, Hamburg
Ernst Becker Fleischwaren, 1920, Hamburg

Margarete Baingo nee Völchner

Margarete Baingo nee Völchner, Erwin Baingo and Ursula Baingo

  • 1924, 22 October - Marriage: at circa 21 Gretal Völchner, married Erwin Robert Baingo was a wurst manufacturer
  • 1925, 28 March - Daughter: Gretal (Margarete) Baingo gave birth to my Mummy - Ursula Augusta Maria Baingo, in Hamburg
  • 1925 to circa 1935? - Erwin Baingo (her husband) ran a Fleischwaren Fabrik in Hamburg on Harvestehude, Mittelweg 174, an der Fontenay (Mummy was so proud). Their life seems to have been good.
  • 1931 - Their daughter, Uschi Baingo, attended Rellinger Straße Volksschule (Rellinger Straße 13, 20257 Hamburg).
    1933 January - Hitler was appointed Chancellor and Head of the German government. At this time 6,100,000 were unemployed in Germany and this is seen as one of the reasons of his sucess at coming to power. Through the Anschluss on 12 March 1938 Nazi Germany incorporated Austria in to Germany. On 1 April 1938 the Constitution of Hamburg was suppressed through an Imperial Law (German: Reichsgesetz), the Hamburg Senate was dissolved and the position of First Mayor of Hamburg abolished. Hamburg was renamed Hansestadt Hamburg.
  • 1935 - Berlin?: in her thirties, Gretal (Margarete) Baingo and the family moved to Berlin. Erwin Baingo was a Wurstwr? on W62 Wichmannstr 271 near Tiergarten.
  • 1935, June?: Gretal (Margarete) Baingo and Erwin Robert Baingo divorced. Erwin Robert Baingo later moved to Dresden. I think Gertal and Uschi (her daughter) Baingo were living at 28 Belziger str, Schöneberg, Berlin.
  • 1939 September 1 - The start of World War II: when Germany invaded Poland, which led Britain and France to declaring war on the Nazi state in retaliation.
  • 1941 - 1943 - Berlin: the photo with the dackle is dated Berlin 1938 and she was living there in 1941 to at least 28.09.1943

Margarete Christ - nee Völchner

Margarete Christ nee Völchner and Gerhard Christ

  • 1943 20 March ? - 2nd Marriage: Gretal (Margarete) Völchner married Gerhard T. Otto Christ in Berlin
    Gerhard T. Otto Christ: 1906, 10 Jan Berlin, Germany - Circa 1981, Hamburg. Parents: Albert Traugott Christ (1877 - 1951) and Margarete Luise Karoline Schulz (1877 - 1942)
    Mummy told me candidly and several times, she was not nice to Gerhard Christ in the beginning as her Mother had remarried. However she grew to so much, truly love him and I, grew up calling them Mutti and Papa (I was brought up mostly in Edinburgh) as she later referred to Gerhard as Papa.
  • 1945 Jan ? - Berlin: as the Second World war drawing to a close, Mummy helped Mutti (as we called her) when she was pregnant to get her out of Berlin and back to Hamburg to avoid Hitler's instructions that German pregnant woman in Berlin should be evacuted to the Ost as the Ally bombing was getting worse.
  • 1945 Feb - Son born: Gretal (Margarete) Christ and Gerhard Christ had a son Michael Thomas Christ who was born 25 Feb 1945 in Hamburg.
  • 1945 July - Michael Thomas Christ tragically died four months later on 20 July 1945. Apparently my Mummy noticed he had stopped breathing and ran to their doctor, Dr Morthaus, but she was too late. She was haunted forever more. I would have LOVED him as an Unkle
  • 1945 Jan - 1949? - Hamburg: Gretal (Margarete) Christ lived at 51 Rellinger Straße Hamburg with her husband Gerhard T. Otto Christ.
    Hamburg Bombings - Not only had Berlin been a key bombing target, Hamburg had been badly bombed. Codenamed Operation Gomorrah, The Battle of Hamburg air raids by the Allies began on 24 July 1943 and lasted for 8 days and 7 nights. It was at the time the heaviest assault in the history of aerial warfare and was later called the Hiroshima of Germany by British officials. This is what Mutti and Mummy would have come back to.

  • 1945 May 8 - end of WW2: the Allies accepted Germany's surrender
  • 1945+ - Daughter: Gretal (Margarete) Christ and Gerhard Christ gave birth to a daughter.
  • 1947 August 5 - Death of her first husband, Erwin Baingo: who had remarried and been a Vertretungen fur die Fleischwaren-Industrie in Dresden, Vollsack Straße 3).
  • 1949 November 26 - Daughter Marries: Her daughter Uschi Baingo marries Scottish Daddy (RSM Albert Ward - I think he was still serving with the The 15th (Scottish) Reconnaissance Regiment, RAC?).
    My Daddy adored Gretal and Gerhard Christ as he lost his Father when he was less than one to WWI and I don't think his Mummy was that nice, so they became his family. He so charmed Mummy, Gretal and Gerhard Christ with his black market treasures. And for the rest of his life our only rare family holidays were to visit them in Hamburg.
  • 1949+ - Wiesenstraße: Gretal (Margarete) Christ and Gerhard Christ moved to Wiesenstraße, Hamburg, where she stayed and though she had a truely lovely time with her neighbours (Tante Katie & Tante Ella & the best Christmases & New Years Eves, ever), she suffered with painful arthritis.
  • 1961 - Malta, St. Patricks Barracks: Mutti & Pappa visted my parents in Malta with their daughter. My Mother said it was one of the besest times of her life.
  • 1977, April 10 - Sadly, Gretal (Margarete) Christ died. She was buried in her parents (Haase) plot in Friedhofe Bornkamp, Hamburg (Grabstatte XIIc-590). My Mother utterly adored her and missed her, until her very, very last breathe.
  • 2011? - Gretal (Margarete) Christ's (and relatives including her Mother's Grave Augste Haase nee Völchner) gravestone, to my utter HORROR and DISGUST, was removed in 2011 (a year after Mummy died). My German Aunt (my mother's half-sister) did not inform me, after Mummy's death, that the plot required extension of the lease. I cannot imagine Mummy, when alive, not paying for the extension of the lease. Had I known, after Mummy's death, I would have so willingly paid in full... the circa 80 Euros or whatever it cost? On a visit to the grave in Hamburg, I saw the gravestone had been removed but thankfully not the burials (when I emailed Friedhofe Bornkamp). Alas, though I have tried so hard, I am not permitted to pay for a new gravestone as, incredulously, it is against German regulations. I only found a letter about renewing the lease of the plot when I was guttingly, clearing my lovely family home, in Edinburgh, Swanston Avenue for sale in 2014.
Margarete Christ nee Völchner and Auguste Haase grave

Margarete Völchner's Parents

Alas, to date I don't know much "Oma" and "Opa", but I do know Mummy (Uschi Ward nee Baingo) and Mutti (Margarete Völchner) dearly loved them. Guttingly, I never met her.

  • Father: not stated
    Apparently, Auguste Völchner (Mutti's Mother) worked at various farms / manors as a Seamstress (Weißnäherinin) in Tessin ?, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. While working and at the age of circa 23, she became pregnant with Mutti but was unmarried. At the time, it was a very taboo subject, so no idea if it was even consensual. With hugest respect, I salute the ladies prior to contraception - what they must have endured with the family and social status backlashes PLUS forging a life for a child born out of wedlock and the mother forging it, alone:( It was never discussed within the family, who the father was, as no one knows.
  • Mother: Auguste Ida Mariane Marie Völchner - 24 Sept 1881 Tessin, Mecklenburg, Germany - 19 March 1954, Hamburg, Germany ?
    When Auguste Ida Mariane Marie Völchner was circa 6 years old, her Mother (Caroline Sophie Dorothea Völchner nee Dreier) sadly died on the 21st Jan 1887, in Tessin (sadly aged circa 38 years old). Auguste Völchner's Father, Johann Philipp Friedrich Völchner, then married, circa 9 months later, on the 16th Sept 1887, Augusta Maria Joanna Ahrens.
    Auguste Völchner gave birth to her only child?, a daughter, Margarete Johanna Erna Völchner, on the 22nd October 1903, at Schulweg 38, Eimsbüttel, Hamburg, at 5 am and, she was delivered by Wilhelmine Ahrens (which may have been a relative as Auguste Völchner's mother (Caroline Sophie Dorothea Völchner nee Dreier) sadly died in 1887 and her father married in the same year, Augusta Maria Joanna Ahrens. On the birth certificate Augusta Ida Marianne Völchner is noted as being unmarried, a seamstress and Lutheran (surprise to me!). Apparently for a while, Mutti (Margarete Völchner) stayed with her aunt (Clara or Martha Völchner - both had Wilhelmine as middle names), while her Mother (Auguste Völchner) went back to work as seamstress, until she met Erwin Hasse.
  • Marriage: Auguste Ida Marianne Marie Völchner and Emil Robert Karl Haase - 1912, October 22, in Hamburg Germany - nine years after Mutti (Margarete Völchner) was born (in 1903).
  • Adopted Father: Erwin Haase - 28 Jan 1884 Stettin, Preußen - Post 1955, Hamburg - Erwin Haase was living at 51 Rellinger Straße, I think with Mutti (Greta Volchner - my grandmother). By all accounts Erwin Haase was a very loving step-father.
    WWII - Erwin Haase was a talented sculptor and model maker and he helped create a miniature replica model of the city of Hamburg. To date I still have not found out what happened to it but Mummy did have some model ships from it.
    Erwin Haase's parents: Carl Friedrich Rudolf Haase: 1858, 22 Apr, Hamburg - 1936, 8 March, Hamburg | Auguste Schwarz: 1861, 23 Apr, Hamburg - ?

    Auguste Ida Mariane Marie Haase nee Völchner and Erwin Haase

    Vicheln / Viecheln - Behren und Lubchin, Mecklenburg

Margarete Völchner's GrandParents (from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)

Alas, to date I don't know much about them. Recently my DNA Danish / Swedish count has risen from 3% to... 13%! So I recon this is from this line :)


  • GrandFather: Johann Philipp Friedrich Völchner - 1838, 4 Nov, Vicheln / Viecheln, Behren-Lübchin, Rostock, Mecklenburg, Germany - Aft. 1919 Tessin, Rostock, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. Occupation: A brick maker?
  • GrandMother: Caroline Sophie Dorothea Dreier - 1849, 12 May, Wattmannshagen, Mecklenburg, Deutschland - 1887, 21 Jan, Tessin, Mecklenburg, Deutschland.
  • 1st Marriage of Johann Philipp Friedrich Völchner: I think Johann Philipp Friedrich Völchner and Caroline Sophie Dorothea Dreier were married in 1869, 1 Oct in Tessin, Germany.
    Children (Johann Philipp Friedrich Völchner & Caroline Sophie Dorothea Dreier) born in Tessin, Rostock, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany: Otto Heinrich August Volchner (1870 - ?), Hermann Carl Ernst Christian Völchner (1872 - ?), Clara Ida Wilhelmine Emma Völchner (1876 - 1903), Martha Wilhelmine Louise Völchner (1878 - ?), Auguste Ida Mariane Marie Völchner (1881 - 1954)
  • 2nd Marriage of Johann Philipp Friedrich Völchner: I think Johann Philipp Friedrich Völchner later married Augusta Maria Joanna Ahrens (1851 - ?) on the 16 Sept 1887 in Gnoien, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Deutschland - the same year that Caroline Dreier died (he had many children to look after).
    They had children: Fritz Anton Ludwig Völchner (1891 - ?), Friedrich Völchner (1890? - ?)

Great GrandParents

  • Great GrandFather: Christian Jochim Caspar Völchner - 1795, 1 Aug, Belitz, Rostock, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany - Abt. 1880 Vicheln / Viecheln, Behren u Lübchin, Mecklenburg, Germany. Occupation: miller journeyman
  • Great GrandMother: Helena Dorothea Jess Abt. 1800 Vicheln / Holland? - 1886, 18 Apr Vicheln / Viecheln, Behren u Lübchin, Mecklenburg, Germany
  • Marriage: They were married 1822, 12 Sept in Behren u Lübchin, Mecklenburg, Deutschland. Groom: the miller journeyman Christian Caspar Joachim Völchner from the dairy in Vichel (Viecheln). Bride: Helena Dorothea Jess from the dairy in Vicheln (Viecheln). Father of bride: in the past Dutchman (job - milkman, dairy farm worker) Joachim Jess.
  • Children: So far I have only found one child - Johann Philipp Friedrich Völchner (1838 - Aft. 1919?)

Great Great GrandParents

  • Great Great GrandFather: Carl Christian Friedrich Völckner Völchner?
  • Great Great GrandMother: ?
Vicheln / Viecheln - Behren und Lubchin, Mecklenburg
Margarete Baingo

Margarete Johanna Erna Völchner

Margarete Johanna Erna Völchner

Date of Birth: 22 Oct 1903, Hamburg, Germany
Died: 10 April 1977, Hamburg, Germany
Occupation: ?
Margarete Völchner's Family Tree: On (FREE!)
Margarete's Parents

Margarete's Parents

Margarete's 1st Husband Erwin Baingo

Margarete's 1st Husband - Erwin Baingo

Margarete's 2nd Husband Gerhard Christ

Margarete's 2nd Husband - Gerhard Christ

Margarete's Daughters

Margarete's Daughters

Margarete Baingo's Daughter: Uschi Baingo Ward

Margarete Baingo's Daughter: Uschi Ward

Margarete Baingo's GrandDaughter: Me

A GrandDaughter of Margarete: Me :)